10 Must Have Wedding Photos by Natacha Elmir

I just knew that my 10 Must Have Wedding Photos recommendations had to come from Natacha Elmir the moment I thought about writing this blog post.

One of the first wedding photographers that I met when I set foot in the wedding industry here, a happy and cheerful character, a true enthusiast, who always looks on the bright side of life and spreads her positive energy wherever she goes.

Natacha’s photography is very natural, emotional and real. Natacha is sweet and delicate, she makes you feel very comfortable when working with her, capturing real life moments that reflect true emotions, and I promise that you’ll treasure them forever.

When photographing weddings, she is a natural storyteller, reflecting the magical moments lived on your wedding day from the moment you start getting ready, through to the dancing at the after party, documenting each emotion lived on your wedding day.

10 Must Have Wedding Photos
by Natacha Elmir, from Elmir Wedding Photo.


1. The Getting Ready Shot

“It might seem like an extra thing to have, but those getting ready moments
 where the bride or groom are surrounded by their closest people, helping them stay calm and making 
sure they look and feel their best, those moments are filled with so much tenderness, 
stress, tension and adrenaline, not unlike an actor before the curtain call.

What deeply touches me in some of these photographs shot at different weddings, is witnessing the mother dressing the bride and thinking, and seeing as the moment
 unfolds that the last time that happened 
was probably when she was dressing her daughter to go to school.

So much
 history layered in that one shot.”




“Whether the first look happens in front of the guests, or in private before the ceremony, it is a once in a lifetime moment.

I love it when the couple make the time to have the first look in private, so that it can all really sink in.

It is an experience that never fails to be magical. Alone, in the private regard of each other, it is as
if for that first instance, they are strangers again meeting for the first time, yet madly in love.

It is difficult to describe and I hope my images can speak for themselves.”


3. The Give Away

“I have photographed weddings where this moment has gone to be imperceptible because it was done in a kind of mechanical and matter of fact way. But in the weddings where the ritual is felt a little more poetically, the give away is one of the most heart tugging moments. The father is symbolically giving away his daughter to her chosen new family.

Even though nowadays it is merely ritualistic, the emotional power of that moment is often overwhelming.”


4. the Complicity During The Ceremony

“They whisper to each other with their glances, exchanging smiles, laughter, tears and many times quiet intense gazes that declare volumes of love.”



“This exalting moment needs no explanation.”


6. the Congratulations

“After the kiss, the family and friends roar with applause, throwing flowers and running to hug and congratulate the couple.

These are intimate, spontaneous and very brief moments where the close and dear express their joy to the bride and groom. Sometimes with the tightest hug, strongest high five slap, uncontrollable tears, loud praises of love, quiet sqeeze of the hand… The moments that flash before my lens are as unpredictable as they are rich.”


7. the Family Portraits

“Yes, believe it or not, those formal family and friends shots are indespensible. They are the pure documentation that says: we were there that day, clebrating with you, and this is what we were like.

Of all the beautiful images couples get and share with their families, these are some of the main ones that end up in the wallets, and on the walls, desks, of the couple and their families.”


8. The Celebration 

“How can you translate into images what an atmosphere felt like?

This part is done with a collection of images, some blurry, some sharp, some with movement, some dead still, of details, of feast, of inside jokes, of goofing around, of everything that says, we made it and now let´s sit back and enjoy the ride.”


9. the First Dance

“The extraordinary speaks for itself.”


10. The Couple

“A final great portrait of the newlyweds immersed in the love, joy and celebration that surrounds them.”


Thank you Natacha for your point of view. The 10 must have wedding photos in your opinion, one of the most important points of views during the wedding, the view from your camara lens that will shoot the images that become our memories for years to come.

All the photographs in this post belong to Elmir Wedding Photo and were taken by the very talented Natacha.

Contact me and let’s start talking about your must have wedding photos, and all the other details to make your wedding just perfect!